26 September 2007

Dear Annie--
My first contribution. And i get to admit that i'm not with it enough to understand 'meme'. I hope that my lack of with-itness is due to a shortage of coffee rather than an excess of age. BTW, i tried the Ethiopian coffee from Ten Thousand Villages this morning. It smells like heaven! Tastes pretty good too.

Too bad you're not crazy about the Cat Bordhi book. It finally came in the mail yesterday, along with the Lorna Sass book. (Recipe reviews will have to come separately.) You should take into consideration that if the book teaches you a technique that you like and shows you what one or several people have done with that technique, it is valuable. It doesn't mean that you need to copy what they've done. It just gives you an opportunity if you need practice without coming up with something original. If it weren't for Cat's book about socks on two circulars, i'd still be on four dpns. Instead i zoomed right through two circulars to the magic loop. I'm not sure i've actually knit a pair of her socks, but i do need to frog that boyfriend sweater (and buy the needles i need) and finish the felted boots. And i don't think all the moebius patterns look bad. I'm not sure where i'd where the 'beaded tresses' hat, but there's another one i might consider, and some of the scarves or shawls or whatever look pretty good (and probably aren't as high maintenance to wear as a regular scarf or shawl.

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